Growers Of Kiwifruit, Persimmons & Plums

With more than 100 varieties of plums grown, you will be sure to find your favorite in the yearly line-up at Venida Packing Co. Our team has been constantly searching for new varieties of plums and pluots to our program and seeing if they meet the taste standards of today’s customers.
We are one of the largest plum growers and packers in North America and will be able to handle all of your needs, ranging from one pallet orders to season-long programs. To meet what the customers are currently looking for, we offer multiple pack styles. These include volume fill, tray packs, clamshells, and club store packs.
We have been growing Persimmons commercially for over 50 years. Venida Packing has both the Hachiya and Fuyu varieties in good volumes for season long availability. The Persimmon season runs from the Middle of September until the middle of December. It's a great fall item to promote. Popular pack styles are Single Layer, 25#VF, clam shells and bags.